Just Bloom!
Just Bloom!
Comparison and Competition
By: Dr. Michael S. Edwards, PT, DPT
5 min read
“A flower doesn’t think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms.” – Sensei Ogui
I believe we all can relate to the meaning of this quote. Every day, hour, and minute we are tempted with thoughts of comparison and competition. Whether it be in life (keeping up with the Jones’), in sport, in business, or on social media, the comparison and competition temptation is fighting for your attention and taking you away from focusing on you. The blessing, however, is that YOU get to choose how you respond.
Even in writing this, I have thoughts of “what will the person reading this think of me?” These are natural thoughts that we struggle with on a daily basis. We live in a world of comparison and this has become more prevalent with the rise in social media platforms. Comparison has somewhat become the norm. However, from my experiences, being “normal” or “following the norm” has not been in my best interest. It is when I stay in my lane, focus on what I can control, filter everything through the perspective lens, and water my own garden that I am my best self physically, mentally, and spiritually. And you know what!? When I’m my best self that is when I am able to pour into others and help my neighboring “flower” flourish, whether it be family, friend, loved one, or “competition.” Afterall, isn’t competition only competition if you allow your brain to label it as so?
Don’t compare or compete your life away. If you do, you’ll never bloom to your fullest potential. Next time you find yourself in the comparison trap, think about what your grateful for. In the competition trap? Then think about what your mission in life is and what it is that you are trying to accomplish.
The mission of Shore Golf Performance & Physical Therapy is “to influence and inspire golfers and the community to perform for a greater purpose.” Our vision? “To impact the golf world mentally, physically, and spiritually.” In order to live out our mission daily and to reach our vision for the future we have to focus on making ourselves and the community we serve better. How do we do that? By living into our core values of: Serving Others, Humility, Obedience to God and The Golden Rule, Relationship Driven, and Excellence.
Competition is a great thing. It eliminates complacency and creates innovation. Learn something from your competition such as what makes them tick and what is their “why?” Why do they exist and what is their mission? Can you help them achieve their “why?” Bottom line, focus on what you can control and look to see if there are ways to work with, rather than against, your “competition.”
Rather than working or competing against someone, how about come alongside them in pursuit of achieving the greater purpose, whatever that may be for you personally and/ or professionally.
So, next time you find yourself in the comparison and/ or competition trap, take the blinders off and open your peripheral vision up to a whole new world of personal, professional, and leadership development. If you do, you’ll definitely be in a better place mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again. We get one chance at this game called life. We are not promised tomorrow which is why we should PURSUE and DO what we love today!
Keep the comparison and competition thoughts to a minimal. I say minimal because they will creep in, but the more we learn how to manage those thoughts and quickly disregard them then the more focused and intentional we will be towards becoming our best selves, not what others want us to be or what we think we should be to others.
Our mind is one of the most powerful resources we have. Let’s take “root” of, and be grounded in, who we are, what our values are, and what our mission in life is. It is then that we’ll have a firm foundation to blossom upon. During this process the other “flowers” will be attracted to us and want to follow suit. Keep in mind too, it is human nature that people need and want to be led. Actually, it’s Social Psychology 101. People tend to follow the crowds and the norm. So, choose to lead. You be the example! This goes for any facet of life. Regardless of whether your fully equipped to lead, or not, stay true to your values and your greater purpose, trust and enjoy the process, and always try to make yourself and your neighbor better.
Go bloom into the person that you want to be!
Until next time, take care and God Bless!