The Shore Blog
What’s Your Story?
Everyone has a story. What’s yours? It’s important to know why you exist and what your story is for the purpose of giving meaning to your life.
A Game Worth Playing
We as humans need purpose, order, and meaning in our lives or else what are we doing? It’s the difference between truly living and simply existing. Do you have structure, rules, and consistent habits in your life that help lead you towards achieving a desired outcome or goal?
It’s All in the Hips!
Like the body as a whole, nothing works in isolation and the hip is no different. There are many moving parts when it comes to treating the hip, thus why it is so important to look at and treat the entire picture.
‘Tis The Season!
‘Tis the season! What does Christmas mean to you? Join in on a fun ride down memory lane and take a minute to reflect on what Christmas means to you.
Count Your Blessings!
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to say how thankful I am for the people that have supported me to get to this point in my life as well as to the Rhode Island community for welcoming me and my southern accent, especially the golf community.
The Shoulder: Fore Joints or One?
The shoulder is an extremely functional joint that plays a significant role in everyday movements and in the golf swing! There are many structures that make up “the shoulder” and many variables that impact shoulder function!
Unlocking Your Mind, Body, & Full Potential!
Have you ever thought about why you are the way you are? Why you move the way you do? Read this to find out!
Just Bloom!
Don’t compare or compete your life away. If you do, you’ll never bloom to your fullest potential.