‘Tis The Season!
By: Dr. Michael S. Edwards
6-7 min read
‘Twas the year ’22,
It brought a lot of change.
From weddings, to a honeymoon, to a new address and name!
We tied the knot (again) and traveled overseas,
Michael opened a business and Liz continued her career in tv.
We moved to Rhode Island with our cute little pup,
Things just keep looking up!
We’ve adapted quite nicely and love it up here,
Here’s to hoping 2023 is full of good cheer!
Wow, what a year! I hope you and your family can say the same thing!
What does Christmas mean to you?
Watching Christmas movies? The Home Alone series? You definitely can’t go wrong with 1 and 2, but one of my favorite scenes comes in Home Alone 3 when Alex sets up one of his infamous traps and drops the bad guy to his knees. The ending cracks me up! Watch it here! Talk about The Nutcracker!? 🤪
Believing in Santa Claus? Do you even know him? Will Ferrell does!
What about those Christmas lights!? Clark Griswold sure could have paid for a vacation with all the Christmas lights on his house. Check out this classic clip from Christmas Vacation!
What about the presents? Isn’t it a great feeling to receive a gift? It’s an even better feeling giving the gift!
And we can’t forget about the Christmas music! One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Joseph and Mary’s Boy” from the Alabama Christmas album and one of my favorite lines is “The gift is just what’s in your heart, and not what’s in your hands.” Now, don’t get me wrong. Receiving a gift is awesome. It makes you feel loved and appreciated and who doesn’t want that!? Afterall, we, human beings, are selfish at our core. However, I choose to think different. Giving someone a gift, no matter what it is, 100% is a better, and more rewarding, feeling then receiving a gift.
Speaking of presents!
How about the biggest gift of all, the birth of Jesus!?
The Alabama Christmas song goes on to say “Who’s the one we need to thank? And who’s this party for? Who’s the one responsible for all this peace and joy? And who deserves the credit for the blessings we enjoy? The preacher said last Sunday it was Joseph and Mary’s boy.”
Where I moved from in eastern North Carolina it is relatively rural compared to Rhode Island and there are plenty of country back roads. I vividly remember growing up listening to this album during Christmas time and it always brought me peace and happiness. Simply driving down the country road, in and of itself, provides a pretty similar feeling.
So, why did I tell you all of this? Did you notice what I did there?
Well, I hope I took you down memory lane and brought some happiness into your life. If you really watched the videos, I’m almost certain you chuckled. If not, you may be the Scrooge… or I just think I’m funny. At the least, I hope you got a little sense of my personality.
What do I love about Christmas?
It is the season of believing and giving!
Similar to Thanksgiving, it represents another time to reflect and be with family, the ones you love. It’s another time for us to count our blessings and reflect back. Check out my last blog, “Count Your Blessings!”, and hopefully you’ll be able to think of a few.
As I reflect back, Christmas has provided me with many happy memories that the more I think about it the more goosebumps I get.
I think of sitting in my father’s lap as a little kid as he read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore to my mom, brother, and I.
I think about my mom sacrificing her back to make sure we had every dish imaginable on the table to fill our bellies.
I think about cooking oysters on Christmas Day morning. Yes, you read that right.
However, one of my favorite memories of all came when I spoiled my little nephew, Finley, for his first Christmas. Uncle Michael went a little crazy on the gifts, but it was a great feeling and one like none other.
I think about that child-like, care-free feeling that Christmas seems to provide, especially as a kid.
This worry-free feeling is best described in another Alabama Christmas song, “Santa Claus (I Still Believe in You).” My favorite lyrics are:
“Well, I don’t see how anybody could ever doubt
That there’s really a Santa Claus
Especially if they’ve ever seen a little boy
Who just got his very first bike.
Or if they’ve ever seen a little girl
With her arms wrapped around her baby doll
So tight, and both of ‘em waking up
Mama and Daddy way before daylight.
And Grandma and Grandpa
Just looking young and lovin’ life
‘Cause they know that their grandkids
Are gonna be alright.
And Mama and Daddy
Well, they’ll be waitin’ up to answer ole Santa’s call
‘Cause tonight they’re not worried about paying bills
Lord, they’re just lovin’ it all!”
I find these lyrics so powerful because it is so relevant to the priorities of each generation.
At Christmas, kids have presents on their minds and, for the most part, that is their biggest “worry” or “concern.” Most kids are thinking, “What do I want Santa Claus to get me for Christmas?”
Parents want to make sure they can provide the best Christmas for their kids, but at the same time, these once kids, now have to worry about paying the bills. Christmas provides an opportunity to forget about this, to a certain extent, and all the worldly demands and distractions, if only for a minute.
Grandparents simply want to know that they’re kids and grandkids are going to be alright.
No matter what generation you fall in, it is my prayer this Christmas that you are able to experience that child-like, worry-free feeling as well as the feeling of giving! It’s a feeling like no other.
If you feel compelled to give, do it!!
If you’re looking for an opportunity to give then what about helping sponsor a child’s Christmas by donating to the Boys Town New England “Adopt a Child” program. Remember, the gift is not what’s in your hand, but what’s in your heart.
At the least, give your time… time to your family, your loved ones and even a stranger.
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!
I look forward to serving you in 2023!