What’s Your Story?

Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

Have you ever heard somebody ask “What do you want your legacy to be?”

Or, “How do you want to be remembered?

These are DEEP questions that most people don’t like to think about, including myself.

I bring this up because it’s important to know why you exist and what your story is for the purpose of giving meaning to your life.

In order to know your story, you first have to realize:

1.     How you got to where you’re at today.

2.     Where are you even currently at?

3.     Where do you want your story to go?

If you’re to truly answer these questions then you’ll need to spend some time diving deep and getting down to the nitty gritty.

I’ve done this deep dive myself and answered those three questions which at times made me go crazy, but it’s so rewarding. It still is. I still work on answering these questions to this day. It’s a process.

It was during this process of figuring out my deeper why and my story where I realized the importance of pouring into my three pillars of life… mental, physical, and spiritual. We can dive deeper, but I’ll save that for my book one day.

I’m the best version of myself when I’m pouring into each of these areas.

I want that for you and the people I serve and connect with on a daily basis.

Why do I tell you all this?

Well, it’s to encourage you to take the deep dive yourself.

Get out the notepad, the laptop, or whatever it may be and simply start brainstorming and writing your thoughts and answers to these questions.

You’ll be amazed at what you’ll dig up!

And these are basic questions!

Imagine if we asked the even deeper “why” questions such as “why did you want to become the profession that you chose!?”

Similarly, your body has a story as well!

You move the way you do today due to the way you moved yesterday.

You will move the way you will move tomorrow due to the way you move today.

Still with me?

What’s your “physical” story?

Do you even know why you move the way you do?

Do you want to know? Furthermore, don’t you want to move better!?

You only get one body in this game called life and the way you care for it today will 100% dictate the way it treats you tomorrow.

And we haven’t even touched on how you’ve treated it in the past!

If understanding why you move the way you do is something you’re interested in, we should talk.

If you’re in pain, dealing with an injury, planning on having or are recovering from an orthopedic procedure/surgery, then we should talk!

Fill out this quick CONTACT FORM today and I’ll help you get the answers you want.

It’s time to make your story better and I want to be a part of that.


A Game Worth Playing